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OAuth2 Proxy slows down k8s cluster#

The Problem#

When ingress-nginx and oauth2-proxy are used together in a k8s cluster, as described in this tutorial, the cluster immediately starts slowing down when accessing any application using HTTP / HTTPS that go through the ingress.

The issue is described further in this stackoverflow post

The Cause#

Setting the following in an application's annotation causes this issue

annotations: "" ""

Why does adding these annotations cause the issue?#

When auth-url is set to, this means that the request goes outside the cluster (so-called hairpin mode), and goes back via External IP of Ingress that routes to internal ClusterIP Service (which adds extra network hops), instead going directly with ClusterIP/Service DNS name (you stay within Kubernetes cluster)1

If a request is made to from inside the internal network, the internal DNS resolves this to an internal IP.

If a request is made to from outside the network, the external DNS (cloudflare, google, etc...) resolves this to the external IP set in the DNS records.


This doesn't happen with other repos (the ones at awesome-home-kubernetes) because they use a split-horizon DNS, meaning they have a DNS internal to their network that resolves queries to internal IPs and another one externaly that resolves queries to external IPs.

The Solution#

Set the auth-url to the internal oauth2 service so that the application doesn't resolve the auth-url to an external IP.

annotations: "http://oauth2-proxy.networking.svc.cluster.local/oauth2/auth" ""
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